Monday, September 23, 2013

Life Teen Update

Life Teen H.S. Youth Group
We have now begun our 2013-14 year, all high school youth are welcome to join us on Wednesday nights from 6:15pm to 7:15pm in the youth room in Sacred Heart School.  It is in the room with yellow walls next to the Arts + Crafts room on the top floor.  This year we have combined the 9th grade Religious Education students with our Life Teen students.  We are now focusing especially on building our faith, and growing closer to Jesus, to strengthen the students for the critical high school and college years. Please pray for us as we begin a new year.
    The Immersion Retreat will be November 9th and 10th at the Chula Vista Resort in the Wisconsin Dells.  This years theme is "Build your Kingdom Here".  The keynote speaker is Chris Padgett, and there will be live music by "Traditional Division".  The cost is $130 per person.  Please contact David Alcott if you are interested in joining us for this life-changing retreat.
Pilgrimage for Life
January 19th -23rd, 2014 is the Pilgrimage for Life in Washington D.C.  Please contact David Alcott if you are interested in participating in January. The cost is to be determined.  This is a great opportunity to pray and witness for the unborn.
David Alcott
Youth Minister/Life Teen Youth Ministry
Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi, Marshfield, WI
Phone:  715-387-1317
Parish Website:

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