Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Special Marshfield Area Youth Group night, and Immersion deadline is October 20th

Hello everyone,
  Dan Kitzhaber from St. John's has invited us to a special youth group night, at 8pm on October 30th, which is a Wednesday.  We will still be having our 6:15-7:15pm class at Sacred Heart, and I would not ask you to attend both.  Let me know if you would like to attend, as it would be nice to get together with other Catholic students in Marshfield.  I attached the flyer.  Please let me know this week yes or no on the meeting at St. John's, and I need to know if you would like to attend the Immersion Retreat by Ocober 20th, (4 days from now).  Right now I have Sierra and Jared interested. 
The Immersion retreat is on November 9th and 10th at the Chula Vista Resort in the Wisconsin Dells.  This years theme is "Build your Kingdom Here".  The keynote speaker is Chris Padgett, and there will be live music by "Traditional Division".  The cost is $140 per person.  Please contact David Alcott if you are interested in joining us for this life-changing retreat.
David Alcott
Youth Minister/Life Teen Youth Ministry
Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi, Marshfield, WI
Phone:  715-387-1317
Parish Website:

Would you like to Support Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Life Teen?

Use GoodSearch after specifying our organization "Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Parishes", and every web-search will support Life Teen.
Our youth ministry in Marshfield will receive a penny for each web search you do through goodsearch. Thanks in advance and God Bless.
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--------- Original Message ---------
Subject: Special Youth Group night
From: "Dan Kitzhaber" <>
Date: 10/8/13 11:37 am
To: "'Kara McManus'" <>, "Dave Alcott - Sacred Heart" <>

I will be holding a youth group session I want to invite your teens to join on Tattoos and Body Piercing Oct. 30 @ 8pm.

I’ve attached a flyer you can use to help promote.



Daniel R. Kitzhaber
F.R.O.G. forever - Jer 1:5

SJB 384-4989x3 (M, W, F)  CTK 659-4480x4 (T, Th)

To invite young people to grow in holiness as disciples of Jesus Christ:
1. Through witnessing the contagious faith of our adult parishioners.
2. By fostering their total personal and spiritual growth
3. By empowering them to a full, active, and conscious participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic Church.


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Immersion Retreat

Hello everyone,
  If you would like to go to the Immersion retreat this year, please send me an email.  It is coming up fast, on November 9th and 10th, and there is some coordination I need to take care of.  Please think and pray about it, and let me know as soon as possible.  I would like to have a final list of who is going by October 20th.  Here is a link to the flyer.
The keynote speaker is excellent this year, Chris Padgett.
    God Bless,
David Alcott
Youth Minister/Life Teen Youth Ministry
Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi, Marshfield, WI
Phone:  715-387-1317
Parish Website:

Would you like to Support Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Life Teen?

Use GoodSearch after specifying our organization "Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Parishes", and every web-search will support Life Teen.
Our youth ministry in Marshfield will receive a penny for each web search you do through goodsearch. Thanks in advance and God Bless.
Follow the link to get started!