Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Totus Tuus Retreat - Pizza Party on Sunday night


The Totus Tuus Retreat is around the corner!  Many of you have been in contact with us in regards to attendance and have submitted forms, etc.  For those of you who have not yet turned in your forms, please print out and fill out the attached forms and turn them in to the parish office as soon as possible.  If you are unable to submit them to the parish office before Friday, please bring the forms with you on Sunday, August 3rd, the first evening of the retreat.

Also, there will be a PIZZA PARTY on the first night of the retreat, Sunday, August 3rd at 6:30PM - come hungry! :-)

Thank you and God bless!
Dave and Mandy Alcott

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

St. Vinnie's Fellowship Meal TONIGHT - Opportunity to serve!

Hello All!

You are invited to help serve at the St. Vinnie's Fellowship Meal tonight, Wednesday, July 2, 4:30-6:30 PM.  It is a great way to help others in need and earn Confirmation hours at the same time!  Let me know if you can make it.

God bless,
Dave Alcott