Tuesday, December 1, 2015

EXTREME Teen Youth Rally and Concert Featuring Worship Band SONAR - December 12th - Mark Your Calendars and Spread the Word!!

TEENS!! You are invited to the EXTREME Charge Youth Rally on December 12th!  SONAR is an AMAZING band and this will be an incredible event!  Spread the word and bring a friend (or 10!)! See the attached flyer or call Dan Kitzhaber at 715-384-4989 x 3 for more details.

Monday, November 16, 2015

REMINDER!! EXTREME Youth Ministry GLOW night Sunday, November 22nd, 6-8pm @ Sacred Heart

Remember to bring a friend (or 2 or 3...)!

You are invited to the next Marshfield Deanery EXTREME youth night.  Please join us for glow-in-the-dark basketball, glow ultimate frisbee, and glow sharks-and-minnows and great music in the Sacred Heart Gym.  There will also be a short presentation on discipleship. There is no cost, all students grades 6-12 are invited - hope to see you there!

 David Alcott
Sacred Heart/Corpus Christi Youth Minister

Friday, November 13, 2015

EXTREME Teen Youth Rally and Concert Featuring Worship Band SONAR - December 12th - Mark Your Calendars and Spread the Word!!

TEENS!! You are invited to the EXTREME Charge Youth Rally on December 12th!  SONAR is an AMAZING band and this will be an incredible event!  Spread the word and bring a friend (or 10!)!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

EXTREME Youth Ministry GLOW night Sunday November 22nd, 6-8pm @ Sacred Heart

You are invited to the next Marshfield Deanery EXTREME youth night.  Please join us for glow-in-the-dark basketball, glow ultimate frisbee, and glow sharks-and-minnows and great music in the Sacred Heart Gym.  There will also a short presentation on discipleship.There is no cost, all students grades 6-12 are invited.  Please join us!

 David Alcott
Sacred Heart/Corpus Christi Youth Minister

Thursday, September 10, 2015

YOU'RE INVITED! Extreme Roller Teen Event on Sunday, September 13th, 5:30-8PM at Melody Gardens

You're Invited!  Mark Your Calendars!  Bring a Friend (or two or three!!)!


EXTREME TEEN EVENT (See attached flyer!)

When: Sun Sept 13

Time: 5:30 - 8p

Where: Melody Gardens

What: Extreme Teen Skate - o - Rama

This isn't going to be your normal open skate night. 

Activities, Games, Music, Message, and Food.

Cost: $3 (includes admission, skate rental, 1 piece of pizza, and 1 drink.


For more information contact: 

Paul Curtiss (Our Lady of Peace Youth Minister) 608-209-0804;  pcurtiss@gmail.com

Dave Alcott (Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Youth Minister) 715-387-1317; alcottd@gmail.com

Dan Kitzhaber (St. John's and Christ the King Youth Minister) 715-384-4989x3; 715-659-4480x4; yministry@frontier.com


Monday, August 31, 2015

YOU'RE INVITED! Extreme Roller Teen Event on Sunday, September 13th, 5:30-8PM at Melody Gardens

You're Invited!  Mark Your Calendars!  Bring a Friend (or two or three!!)!


EXTREME TEEN EVENT (See attached flyer)

When: Sun Sept 13

Time: 5:30 - 8p

Where: Melody Gardens

What: Extreme Teen Skate - o - Rama

This isn't going to be your normal open skate night. 

Activities, Games, Music, Message, and Food.

Cost: $3 (includes admission, skate rental, 1 piece of pizza, and 1 drink.


Be on the look out for our next Extreme Teen events:


Oct Halloween Party

Nov Lights Out

Dec XLT 

Jan Bowling

For more information contact: 

Paul Curtiss (Our Lady of Peace Youth Minister) 608-209-0804;  pcurtiss@gmail.com

Dave Alcott (Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Youth Minister) 715-387-1317; alcottd@gmail.com

Dan Kitzhaber (St. John's and Christ the King Youth Minister) 715-384-4989x3; 715-659-4480x4; yministry@frontier.com


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

EXTREME Teen Night - Amazing Race Relay - starts in 45 minutes!

Don't miss the next EXTREME Teen Night on August 19th, 7-9PM at St. John's/Columbia Park!


See the attached flyer for details!

E-mail or call me with questions!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

EXTREME Teen Night - Amazing Race Relay - August 19th, 7-9PM - YOU'RE Invited!

Don't miss the next EXTREME Teen Night on August 19th, 7-9PM at St. John's/Columbia Park!


See the attached flyer for details!

E-mail or call me with questions!

Friday, July 31, 2015

TOTUS TUUS Day Retreat Student Helpers


Thank you to those who have volunteered to be student helpers during the day retreat!  The TOTUS TUUS Team and I GREATLY appreciate your help!!  If you haven't yet volunteered to be a student helper but would like to do so, just let me know! 

The day retreat is 9AM- 2:30PM, Monday August 3 - Friday, August 7.  Please try to arrive by 9AM if possible.  If you have a conflict and cannot come at 9AM or stay until 2:30PM each day, that's not a problem, just let me know so I am aware of when you will or will not be there to help.

Thanks and God bless!
Mandy Alcott

TOTUS TUUS Reminder - Pizza Party Kick-off on Sunday, August 2nd at 6:30PM at Sacred Heart School


We are looking forward to an awesome, fun, and faith-filled week with TOTUS TUUS!  The teen retreat will kick-off with a pizza party on Sunday, August 2nd at 6:30PM at Sacred Heart School!

See you there and come hungry - in body AND soul! :-)

P.S.  Please remember to bring your registration materials and at least one non-perishable item for the St. Vincent DePaul food pantry.  If you need registration forms, please let me know and I will e-mail them to you.  Thanks!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

TOTUS TUUS - Time to Register!!


It's time to register for TOTUS TUUS if you haven't done so already!  Call or e-mail me to register your student/s and I will send you the registration forms you need.  See the information below and the attached flyer.

God bless!
Mandy Alcott

(Hosted by Corpus Christi and Sacred Heart of Jesus Parishes)
August 2nd-7th, 2015
at Sacred Heart of Jesus
for Marshfield Area Students Grades 1 - 12
To register or for more information:
Dave and Mandy Alcott @ 715-387-1317; alcottd@gmail.com
What is TOTUS TUUS? "Totus Tuus" is a Latin phrase that means "Totally Yours". It was used by Pope Saint John Paul II to express his devotion to Mary, our Blessed Mother, and to us, the faithful people of God. College-aged TOTUS TUUS retreat leaders effectively and positively impact students by bringing the teachings of the Catholic Faith alive in a dynamic way! Because TOTUS TUUS team members are close in age to the students, they are able to build mentor relationships with the youth. The TOTUS TUUS retreat program offers day retreat sessions August 3rd - 7th, 9AM-2:30PM for students in grades 1-6 and evening retreat sessions, August 2nd - 6th, 6:30-8:30PM, for students in grades 7-12. Students are encouraged to invite their friends - students in grades 1-12 are invited to participate in TOTUS TUUS at Sacred Heart of Jesus!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Teen VBS at St. John's - open to all Marshfield students in grades 7-12


Check out another fun faith opportunity with friends in Marshfield!  Let me know if you want to attend - call me at 715-387-1317 or reply to this e-mail.  God bless!





Wednesday, June 17, 2015

"Home Retreat" Summer Youth Retreat for 7th - 12th Grade Students - Register by July 4th for this Fun and FREE Event!!!

Don't miss this amazing day of kayaking, relaxing, faith, live music, friends, and fun!  And spread the word!

"Home Retreat" Summer Youth Retreat for 7th - 12th Grade Students
The "Home Retreat" is hosted by Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Youth Ministry and is the second of three summer youth events hosted in collaboration with the Marshfield Catholic Deanery Youth Ministers. The "Home Retreat" will be a day to relax, have fun, and discover the richness of God. Enjoy kayaking, live music, games, and relevant messages. The goal of this retreat is to answer the question "Who am I?", and will focus on learning to feel "at home" physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Date/Time: Saturday, July 11th, 10am-8pm
Cost: Free! Space limited to 35 participants - Register by July 4th!!
Food: Meals and snacks provided
Location: The Dolan Home, M216 Marsh Road, Marshfield, WI, 54449

 Please register online at www.sacredheartmarshfield.org, and click on the "Home Retreat" link under "Featured Upcoming Events".
Please contact Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Youth Minister David Alcott with any questions at alcottd@gmail.com or 715-387-1317.

REMINDER - Summer Youth Group FUN - TONIGHT at Our Lady of Peace!!

Don't miss this fun youth event tonight at Our Lady of Peace and remember to mark your calendars for the "Home Retreat" on July 11th including kayaking, live music and relaxation (more info. to come soon!); TOTUS TUUS August 2nd-7th; and the August 19th youth event (more info. to come)!

School is just ending and summer is starting, so let's plan to celebrate our faith this summer by getting together each month with other youth groups in town and show our parents how youth like to play.


You will be talking about this event and telling others about it, so plan your life accordingly


When: Wed June 17th, 

6:30 - 10pm-ish

Where: OLP parish Youth Room & outside sand volleyball courts


Tentative schedule:

6:30 - Volleyball-ish Games

7:30 - Round of  Frisbee Golf (Curtiss style)

8:15 - Faith Nugget and fellowship

8:45 - Movie night in the Youth Room


Drop in when ever you can make it and leave when ever you need to.

As always...BRING A FRIEND from the parish, from school, from another church, from out of town, from outer space...we don't care where they are from, just come.


The Catholic parishes are planning 3 large events like this over the summer.  

This is the first & hosted by Our Lady of Peace

Next is July 11 (hosted by Sacred Heart/Corpus Christi)

and the last is Aug 19 (hosted by St. John's)


For more information contact: 

Paul Curtiss (Our Lady of Peace Youth Minister) 608-209-0804;  pcurtiss@gmail.com

Dave Alcott (Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Youth Minister) 715-387-1317; alcottd@gmail.com

Dan Kitzhaber (St. John's and Christ the King Youth Minister) 715-384-4989x3; 715-659-4480x4; yministry@frontier.com


Friday, June 5, 2015

Summer Youth Group FUN - Mark Your Calendars for June 17th, July 11th and August 19th and Spread the Word!!

School is just ending and summer is starting, so let's plan to celebrate our faith this summer by getting together each month with other youth groups in town and show our parents how youth like to play.


You will be talking about this event and telling others about it, so plan your life accordingly


When: Wed June 17th, 

6:30 - 10pm-ish

Where: OLP parish Youth Room & outside sand volleyball courts


Tentative schedule:

6:30 - Volleyball-ish Games

7:30 - Round of  Frisbee Golf (Curtiss style)

8:15 - Faith Nugget and fellowship

8:45 - Movie night in the Youth Room


Drop in when ever you can make it and leave when ever you need to.

As always...BRING A FRIEND from the parish, from school, from another church, from out of town, from outer space...we don't care where they are from, just come.


The Catholic parishes are planning 3 large events like this over the summer.  

This is the first & hosted by Our Lady of Peace

Next is July 11 (hosted by Sacred Heart/Corpus Christi)

and the last is Aug 19 (hosted by St. John's)


For more information contact: 

Paul Curtiss (Our Lady of Peace Youth Minister) 608-209-0804;  pcurtiss@gmail.com

Dave Alcott (Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Youth Minister) 715-387-1317; alcottd@gmail.com

Dan Kitzhaber (St. John's and Christ the King Youth Minister) 715-384-4989x3; 715-659-4480x4; yministry@frontier.com


Monday, May 4, 2015

Reminder - Mother's Day Breakfast at KC Hall!

Don't miss this great way to celebrate Mother's Day!  Spread the word!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Mother's Day Pancake Breakfast Volunteer List/Schedule


Thank you to those of you who have offered to help at the Mother's Day Pancake Breakfast on May 10th and for those of you who have been helping in all the preparations for the breakfast!  For those of you who would like to help but haven't signed up yet, there is still room to help.  We are hoping to have mostly men and student volunteers so that the ladies of our parish families don't need to work on Mother's Day.  But ladies, if it blesses your heart to help and you really want to help, that is OK too. :-)

Please see the volunteer list/schedule below.  Please e-mail back to let us know you received this e-mail and/or if you see a conflict with the time you are scheduled to volunteer.  Also, please note that some shifts (kitchen for example) are all morning, so if you aren't able to attend Mass on Saturday evening, May 9th, it is no problem if you need to sneak out to attend Mass at some point during the breakfast - Mass takes top priority over your volunteer shift.

Also, on the day of the breakfast, some people may be moved around to different work positions if needed.  For those of you who indicated specific time availability, those times will of course be honored.

Thank you and God bless!
Dave and Mandy Alcott

Volunteer Schedule for Mother's Day Pancake Breakfast, May 10th at KC Hall

Kitchen 7AM – 12:30 PM (8 people age 18 and older needed)

Dave Alcott (floater)

Dave Lang

Tim Jicinsky

Ray Walgenbach

Don Pflugradt

Lowell Schultz

Ed Jahnke

Paul Binder

Hugh Macken

Jim Zoellner – if needed

Set-up Dining Room 7AM – 8AM (at least 4 people needed)

Dave Alcott (floater)

Dave Wunrow

Deacon Ray

Deacon Ray's daughter Angie

Trinity Brusky

Hannah Brusky

Emma Alcott

Elliott Alcott

Josh Lang

Jahnke students

Andy Goettl (Confirmation hours)

Andy Goettl's brother

Confirmation students

Tickets at Door

Jer Lang

a KC

Cleaning and Setting Tables (at least 4 people needed) (1 host/hostess to seat people is also needed)

Dave Alcott (floater)

Deacon Ray– until 10AM

Hannah Brusky – until 10AM

Josh Lang

Emma Alcott

Elliott Alcott

Jeremy Binder

Jahnke students

Andy Goettl – until 9:30 (Confirmation hours)

Andy's brother – until 9:30

Confirmation students

Buffet Line (at least 3 people needed)

Josh Lang

Jeremy Binder

Confirmation students

Jim Zoellner – if needed

Raffle Basket Tickets (1 or 2 people needed - at least 1 adult)

Deacon Ray's daughter Angie – until 10 AM

Trinity Brusky– until 10AM

Dave Alcott 10AM - close

Child's Play Area (2 or 3 students age 13 or 14 – if older than 14, Safe Environment Training is needed)

Kaitlyn Konrardy?

Ariel Fernandez (maybe?)

Alison Skrenes (maybe?)

Emma Alcott (helper)?

Confirmation students

Bake Sale Table (1 or 2 people needed - at least 1 adult)

Emma Alcott

Dave Alcott

Confirmation students

Lady Helpers if Needed (or if they just really really really want to help):

Mandy Alcott

Ann Walgenbach

Pattie Pflugradt

Judy Gachnang

Sandy Studinger (to set up??)


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

"What's the Story with You and God?" Friday, April 17th - RSVP Reminder

If you haven't done so already, please register for this inspiring event!

Christopher Ruff, Ann Lankford, and Christopher Carstens of the Diocese of La Crosse will lead a faith-filled Marshfield Deanery event at Sacred Heart Church in Marshfield on April 17th, 6:30-9PM.  Listen to two ordinary Marshfield area Catholics tell their own extraordinary stories with God! Attendees will learn the practical ways of recounting God's story, will reflect upon their own journey of faith, and learn the skills needed to communicate their story with God to others in a compelling way! Whether a catechist, RCIA team member, church employee, volunteer, or simply a layperson in love with the Faith, as baptized Christians, we are all called to evangelize! Come to this inspiring evening retreat and learn how to share your story with God! For more information about this event and to register, contact Mandy Alcott at 715-387-1317 or alcottd@gmail.com .


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Fwd: 9th Grade Religious Education Update

Hello everyone!
  Next week, March 25th, please report to the Columbus High School gym at 6:30pm for the Shadow Stations of the Cross.  The program will be approximately one hour.  There will not be a regular class, we will attend the Shadow Stations instead.  Please bring your families to this powerful event.

Also, the week after that is Spring Break, there will be no class on Wednesday April 1st.  Please attend Holy week services with your family.
Holy Thursday 6pm at Sacred Heart
Good Friday 6pm at Sacred Heart
Holy Saturday 8pm
Easter Sunday (regular Mass times)

There will be a youth ministry fundraiser on Sunday May 10th, a Mother's Day pancake breakfast at the Knights of Columbus Hall.  It will be from 8am to 11:30am.  We are looking for help with cleaning tables, on-site childcare, etc.  This is a great opportunity to earn service hours for Confirmation as well. Please contact me if you can help.

    Thanks and God Bless,
        David Alcott

"What's the Story with You and God?" - April 17th - Mark Your Calendars!

Mark Your Calendars for this Inspiring Event!  And Spread the Word!

Christopher Ruff, Ann Lankford, and Christopher Carstens of the Diocese of La Crosse will lead a faith-filled Marshfield Deanery event at Sacred Heart Church in Marshfield on April 17th, 6:30-9PM.  Listen to two ordinary Marshfield area Catholics tell their own extraordinary stories with God! Attendees will learn the practical ways of recounting God's story, will reflect upon their own journey of faith, and learn the skills needed to communicate their story with God to others in a compelling way! Whether a catechist, RCIA team member, church employee, volunteer, or simply a layperson in love with the Faith, as baptized Christians, we are all called to evangelize! Come to this inspiring evening retreat and learn how to share your story with God! For more information about this event and to register, contact Mandy Alcott at 715-387-1317 or alcottd@gmail.com .


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Re: Younkers "Community Days" Coupon Books Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Youth Group Fundraiser!

One more thing ..........the coupon booklets can be purchased at the parish office starting today (Wed.) at 2 PM through Friday, February 27th at 4PM.  If you are unable to get to the parish office during those hours, contact us by e-mail or at 715-387-1317 to purchase the booklets.

Thank you!

On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 10:09 AM, David and Amanda Alcott <alcottd@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Friends and Family!

We are selling Younkers "Community Days" Coupon Booklets to raise money for Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Youth Ministry. They are $5 each, and include a $10 off coupon good this Friday and Saturday @ Younkers Marshfield. We keep 100% of the proceeds, so please let me know if you would like one.  Please pass on this e-mail on to anyone you think might be interested. Thanks! 

God bless!

Dave and Mandy Alcott


p.s. If you would like to help sell coupon books, that would be great and Confirmation students can earn service hours by helping!

Younkers "Community Days" Coupon Books Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Youth Group Fundraiser!

Hello Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Friends and Family!

We are selling Younkers "Community Days" Coupon Booklets to raise money for Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Youth Ministry. They are $5 each, and include a $10 off coupon good this Friday and Saturday @ Younkers Marshfield. We keep 100% of the proceeds, so please let me know if you would like one.  Please pass on this e-mail on to anyone you think might be interested. Thanks! 

God bless!

Dave and Mandy Alcott


p.s. If you would like to help sell coupon books, that would be great and Confirmation students can earn service hours by helping!

Monday, February 16, 2015

REMINDER!! - SCIENCE TESTS FAITH at Our Lady of Peace & Sacred Heart of Jesus in Marshfield February 21st & 22nd

Don't miss this amazing Marshfield Deanery Lenten event being presented two nights at two parishes!

SCIENCE TESTS FAITH is Coming to Our Lady of Peace February 21st and Sacred Heart of Jesus February 22nd

Science Tests Faith, recently featured in The Catholic Times and recently presented at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Wisconsin Rapids, is coming to Our Lady of Peace Saturday, February 21st and Sacred Heart of Jesus Sunday, February 22nd, 7:00-9:00PM both nights, as a Marshfield Deanery Lenten faith opportunity! Can miracles stand up to the test of science? This dynamic presentation will feature exclusive film footage of a stigmatist who bleeds from her hands, feet, and head. Are these the wounds of Christ? What does science have to say? A consecrated Communion Host becomes living flesh and blood. Is it heart tissue? What does science have to say? A scientist (former atheist), an attorney and a famous TV Journalist witness a statue of Jesus weeping real tears and shedding real blood. Are these claims true? What does science have to say? Go to www.sciencetestsfaith.com and click on "Our Lady of Peace and Sacred Heart of Jesus" to watch a preview of this amazing event!

Friday, January 23, 2015

DATE/TIME CHANGE UPDATE!! - SCIENCE TESTS FAITH at Our Lady of Peace & Sacred Heart of Jesus in Marshfield February 21st & 22nd

Please note the changes in dates and times for the SCIENCE TESTS FAITH presentation in Marshfield and spread the word about this amazing event!!

SCIENCE TESTS FAITH is Coming to Our Lady of Peace February 21st and Sacred Heart of Jesus February 22nd

Science Tests Faith, recently featured in The Catholic Times and recently presented at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Wisconsin Rapids, is coming to Our Lady of Peace Saturday, February 21st and Sacred Heart of Jesus Sunday, February 22nd, 7:00-9:00PM both nights, as a Marshfield Deanery Lenten faith opportunity! Can miracles stand up to the test of science? This dynamic presentation will feature exclusive film footage of a stigmatist who bleeds from her hands, feet, and head. Are these the wounds of Christ? What does science have to say? A consecrated Communion Host becomes living flesh and blood. Is it heart tissue? What does science have to say? A scientist (former atheist), an attorney and a famous TV Journalist witness a statue of Jesus weeping real tears and shedding real blood. Are these claims true? What does science have to say? Go to www.sciencetestsfaith.com and click on "Our Lady of Peace and Sacred Heart of Jesus" to watch a preview of this amazing event!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

New Youth Ministry Bulletin Announcement

Hi Cheryl, here is a new announcement, thanks!


Youth Ministry Update

  Hello everyone, thanks for your support of our youth.  Unfortunately the two students interested in attending the Pilgrimage for Life were not able to attend this year.  Please consider attending next year, and please pray for all the pilgrims.  All teens interested in being part of the youth group can join us on Wednesday nights from 6:15 - 7:15pm.   
   Great news, we are making progress towards our fundraising goal of $4,750, so the remainder to be raised by June 30th, 2015, is $4201.55   This is great progress, and f you could help us chip away at this goal before we do larger scale fundraisers, it would be greatly appreciated!  Simply designate on an envelope that it is for the Youth Ministry fundraiser, and put it in the collection.  This amount is to pay for the 2015 Totus Tuus week, and for general expenses.  Also, Parents, if I can help you or your children in any way, I am at your service!  Please contact me