Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Join us for the Live4Him Catholic Youth Rally this Saturday!

Please join us in attending the Live4Him Catholic Youth Rally in Wausau
this weekend. What is Live4Him? It is a Catholic Youth Rally with
Worship, Music, Fun, and Fellowship. Here is a link to the flyer.

Link to Event Flyer

We will leave the Sacred Heart Parking lot at 1:30pm this Saturday May 8th,
and return to the parking lot at approximately 11p.m. The cost is $12
which includes admission and dinner, but please let me know if the cost is
a problem, and the cost will be waived. If you want to be there, we will
make it happen.
You need to fill out one of two forms in order to attend. Send me an email and I will send you the PDF documents as attachments. My email is daveandmandy@catholic.org

If your name is on the list below, I already have your comprehensive (3
page) form, so fill out the supplemental form (1 page). If your name is
NOT on the list below, fill out the comprehensive (3 page) form and bring
it with you Sunday.

Jerrod Worzella (have page 1+2, need page 3)
Joey Worzella
Taylor Kowalski
Devin Kowalski
Mark Finta
Mary Finta

Hope you can join us, please contact me with any questions!

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