Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ash Wednesday....

Hello friends!
Normally Life Teen is Wednesdays from 7:30pm to 8:30pm. This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday (3/9/11) and Sacred Heart will have Masses at 8am and 6pm. Corpus Christi will have a Mass at 7:30pm. Life Teen will be at the normal time, but I encourage you to attend an Ash Wednesday Mass if there is a choice between Life Teen and Mass.

On another note, I am considering switching the Life Teen time to 6:15pm to 7:15pm to coincide with the Religious Education hour for the 2011-12 school year. I had a request to do this from a family, as it would make transportation simpler if there are siblings in both Religious Education and Life Teen. Please send me your feedback on how you feel about this. I appreciate it!

Just a reminder, see the guidelines for fasting on Ash Wednesday below, and I pray this this Lent will draw you closer to the heart of Jesus
In Christ,
David Alcott
The Church emphasizes the penitential nature of Ash Wednesday by calling us to fast and abstain from meat. Catholics who are over the age of 18 and under the age of 60 are required to fast, which means that they can eat only one complete meal and two smaller ones during the day, with no food in between. Catholics who are over the age of 14 are required to refrain from eating any meat, or any food made with meat, on Ash Wednesday.
A Day of Repentance:

The distribution of ashes reminds us of our own mortality and calls us to repentance. In the early Church, Ash Wednesday was the day on which those who had sinned, and who wished to be readmitted to the Church, would begin their public penance. The ashes that we receive are a reminder of our own sinfulness, and many Catholics leave them on their foreheads all day as a sign of humility.

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