Monday, March 12, 2012

Life Teen update, can you help with the St. Patrick's festival this weekend?

Hi everyone,
Just a reminder, that Mandy will be going into labor any day now, so
watch your email for Life Teen cancellations!

Also, this Saturday, March 17th from 4-7pm is the St. Patrick's Festival
at Sacred Heart. This is a fundraiser to raise money for Totus Tuus, a
Catholic Day-Camp for youth this summer. We are hoping to raise enough
money to make Totus Tuus free of charge.

The festival is this Saturday from 4-7 pm, so any help during this time
would be appreciated.

This Thursday we will be setting up at 6pm, decorating Toeller Hall and
making posters. Please meet in Toeller Hall Thursday at 6pm if you can
help. Please help either Thursday or Saturday if you can.

Right now Life Teen will still be held this Wednesday, but I will send out
an email if Mandy goes into labor. Please keep us in your prayers so this
will be a smooth delivery.

Also, I will be awarding REAP points to any student who helps
Thursday or Saturday.
Thanks and God Bless,
David Alcott

David Alcott
Youth Minister/Life Teen Youth Ministry
Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi, Marshfield, WI
Phone: 715-387-1317

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