Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Life Teen Wednesday night, Venture Crew update

Hi everyone,
Life Teen will be at the normal time tomorrow night, at 6:15pm, however
I will be speaking to the 7th grade class for 5-10 minutes about the
REAP program, but I should have everything set up for you, and should
be back by 6:25pm
Last weeks presentation on the Venture Crew program went well. The
students are very interested. In summary, the Venture Crew is under
the umbrella of the Boy Scouts, stresses faithfulness to God, and is
for both male and female students ages 14-18. Pat Guldan is starting a
group, which will for now just include students from St. Johns and
Sacred Heart/Corpus Christi. It will cost $15/year to start, and they
are planning on a monthly outdoors trip, usually on a weekend. Each
trip taken would have an additional cost, around $10 to $25. Please
let me know by email preferably if you would like your child to sign
up. There isn't an obligation to attend each event, and we are setting
this up as an optional component of Life Teen, to expand our offerings.
The weekly Wednesday meetings will not change. Just let me know if you
are interested, and I can get you the forms needed. The $15 is not an
issue, so if this is not in your budget, you will not have to pay that.
Just let me know and we can cover that cost. We can also assist with
the costs of the monthly trips, whatever it takes so we can have
maximum participation.
We also decided to continue our Wednesday meetings through the summer.
I hope this will work for you, and I'm looking forward to a great
summer. By the way, a week from tomorrow will be the roller skating
party at Melody Gardens, so we will meet there instead of Toeller Hall.

God Bless and Happy Easter!
David Alcott

David Alcott
Youth Minister/Life Teen Youth Ministry
Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi, Marshfield, WI
Phone: 715-387-1317
Blog: http://shcclifeteen.blogspot.com/

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