Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Life Teen Update, Shadow Stations tomorrow 3/27 @6:30pm

Hi everyone,
Just a reminder, tomorrow we will not meet at Sacred Heart School, but
at the Shadow stations in the Columbus gym at 6:30pm. See the details

This Thursday, you are invited to the Holy Thursday Mass
at 6pm at Sacred Heart. Lets finish Lent strong! Please get to Confession
during Lent if you haven't done so already, to receive the infinite mercy
of Christ.

In Christ,
David Alcott

Shadow Stations
March 27,
6:30 p.m.
Columbus Catholic
High School
in Marshfield
- A free-will offering will
be taken. -

What are Shadow Stations?
It is the passion of Christ presented live by the youth of
St. John's and Christ the King using biblically narrated
accounts, music, reflection, special effects, prayer, and a live
multicolor re-enactment of the last hours of Christ's earthly
life done in "shadows."
This multimedia presentation follows the last stages or
"stations" of Christ's human life. It allows everyone a more
personal experience of both the pain and triumph of Jesus. In
less than an hour, the depth of the shadows, draw you in to allow
you to share in Christ's passion by truly "walking with
him" in the final hours of His life.

David Alcott
Youth Minister/Life Teen Youth Ministry
Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi, Marshfield, WI
Phone: 715-387-1317
Blog: http://shcclifeteen.blogspot.com/

Would you like to Support Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Life Teen?

Use GoodSearch after specifying our organization "Sacred Heart and Corpus
Christi Parishes", and every web-search will support Life Teen.
Our youth ministry in Marshfield will receive a penny for each web search
you do through goodsearch. Thanks in advance and God Bless.
Follow the link to get started!

Sent via Catholic Online Webmail!
Use Catholic Online Webmail to proclaim your faith to the world.

David Alcott
Youth Minister/Life Teen Youth Ministry
Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi, Marshfield, WI
Phone: 715-387-1317
Blog: http://shcclifeteen.blogspot.com/

Would you like to Support Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Life Teen?

Use GoodSearch after specifying our organization "Sacred Heart and Corpus
Christi Parishes", and every web-search will support Life Teen.
Our youth ministry in Marshfield will receive a penny for each web search
you do through goodsearch. Thanks in advance and God Bless.
Follow the link to get started!

Sent via Catholic Online Webmail!
Use Catholic Online Webmail to proclaim your faith to the world.

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