Monday, April 28, 2014

9th Grade Religious Education Party at Wildwood Park this Wednesday @ 6pm

9th Grade Religious Education End of Year Picnic/Potluck

Who: All Students in Mr. Alcott's 9th Grade Class and their families

What: End of year party

Where: Wildwood Park Shelter #1, in Marshfield (East of the Playground)

When: Wednesday April 30th, 6 pm

Hamburgers and Bratwurst will be provided, please bring a dish to pass. Please email Mr. Alcott at with the number attending and what you plan to bring (beverage/dessert/side dish) etc. for planning purposes. We plan to play some outdoor games such as capture the flag or ultimate frisbee.

Hope you can join us!

God Bless,
      David Alcott

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