Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Re: Trip this Saturday with LifeTeen

Hi everyone,
We will be going to visit the Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine in La Crosse
this Saturday, The final schedule is below, please wear comfortable
shoes, as we will be walking about a 1.5 miles total during the day. It
looks like we'll have a perfect Saturday, around 75 degrees with a 10%
chance of rain. Please bring a bible, journal, and rosary, as well as
a camera if you like.
To help cover gas, lunch, and snacks this will cost $15 per student.
Please pay on Saturday, or I can just deduct 15 REAP points from your
accounts. Right now there are 6 people going, Patrick Dolan, Yvette
Fernandez and her three girls, and myself. there is one more seat in
my van, so if you know someone else to bring along let me know.
Please bring money for the gift shop or for votive candles if you would
like to. Please meet me at the Sacred Heart parking lot at 7:15am this
Saturday morning. Also, take a look at the requirements for a Plenary
Indulgence at the bottom of this email. God Bless, and please call or
email with questions.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine (113 miles, 2:23 drive)
5250 Justin Road, La Crosse WI

Schedule for Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine

7:15am Depart from Sacred Heart
10:15am Arrive/Bathroom break/Visit Gift Shop
10:45am Lunch, finish by 11:15am
11:20am Begin walking up hill
11:40am arrive at Shrine Church, time for prayer or confession
12:15pm Holy Mass
1:30pm Shrine Church Tour
2:30pm Outdoor Rosary Walk
3pm Visit Unborn Memorial
3:05pm walk down hill to Votive Chapel
3:30pm visit votive chapel or go to gift shop (closes at 4pm)
4:15pm depart, snacks available on way home
7:15pm arrive back in Marshfield

Gaining a Plenary Indulgence

Confession Times
11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Following 12:15 p.m. Holy Mass
2:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.

David Alcott
Youth Minister/Life Teen Youth Ministry
Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi, Marshfield, WI
Phone: 715-387-1317

Sent via Catholic Online Webmail!
Use Catholic Online Webmail to proclaim your faith to the world.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Trip this Saturday with LifeTeen

Hi everyone,
I hope you are enjoying your summer! The Leaven2Heaven youth rally this
Saturday (August 25th) has been cancelled due to low numbers by the
Diocese. Since we already had five youth and 2 adults interested in
going, I am considering taking an alternate trip on our own. Here are two
options below which I think would be excellent. I put down a preliminary
schedule to review, let me know which trip you would to take.

Our Lady of Good Help Shrine (147 miles, 2:46 drive)
4047 Chapel Drive, New Franken, WI

6:30am Leave
9:30am Arrive, bathroom break
9:45am Confession/Pray/Visit lower chapel
11am Daily Mass
12pm Lunch at Schoolhouse Cafe
1pm Outdoor Rosary
1:45pm Visit Gift Shop/watch video on Shrine
2:45pm leave shrine
4:45pm Stop in Stevens Point for dinner, Noodles+Company, Coldstone
Creamery for desert (right next to each other)
6:45pm arrive back in Marshfield

Confessions 8:45 to 10:45am
Daily Mass 11am
Saturday: 2:00 pm | Short Daily Devotion in upper church
Gift Shop open 9am to 4pm


Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine (113 miles, 2:23 drive)
5250 Justin Road, La Crosse WI

Open 9am to 7pm

Tentative Schedule for Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine

7:30am Depart from Sacred Heart
10:30am Arrive/Bathroom break
10:45am Lunch, finish by 11:15am
11:20am Begin walking up hill
11:40am arrive at Shrine Church, time for prayer or confession
12:15pm Holy Mass
1:30pm Shrine Church Tour
2:30pm Outdoor Rosary Walk
3pm Visit Unborn Memorial
3:05pm walk down hill to Votive Chapel
3:30pm visit votive chapel or go to gift shop (closes at 4pm)
4:15pm depart
7:15pm arrive back in Marshfield, or stop for dinner and arrive back @8:15pm

Gaining a Plenary Indulgence

Confession Times
11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Following 12:15 p.m. Holy Mass
2:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Holy Rosary
3:30 pm

David Alcott
Youth Minister/Life Teen Youth Ministry
Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi, Marshfield, WI
Phone: 715-387-1317

Sent via Catholic Online Webmail!
Use Catholic Online Webmail to proclaim your faith to the world.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Life Teen will resume on Wednesday September 19th

Hello everyone,
Life Teen will be taking a late summer break, and will resume on
September 19th, the first day of Religious Education. There were some
time conflicts with multiple Life Teen members which led to this
decision, but thank you for the commitment which allowed us to meet
most of the summer.

Life Teen will not be meeting weekly again until September 19th,

However, please contact David Alcott if you are interested in attending
Leaven2Heaven, "Walk in the Reign" on Saturday August 25th, a one day
youth rally featuring Jon Leonetti, a national Catholic Speaker and music
by Traditional Division. It will be held at the Holy Cross Diocesan
Center in La Crosse Wisconsin. Here is a link to the event poster,
God Bless You!

David Alcott
Youth Minister/Life Teen Youth Ministry
Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi, Marshfield, WI
Phone: 715-387-1317

Sent via Catholic Online Webmail!
Use Catholic Online Webmail to proclaim your faith to the world.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Life Teen Reminder

Hello everyone, just a quick reminder that Life Teen will meet tomorrow
night at 6:15pm Thank you to all who were able to participate in Totus
Tuus last week, It was amazing.
God Bless,

David Alcott
Youth Minister/Life Teen Youth Ministry
Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi, Marshfield, WI
Phone: 715-387-1317

Sent via Catholic Online Webmail!
Use Catholic Online Webmail to proclaim your faith to the world.