Friday, July 31, 2015

TOTUS TUUS Day Retreat Student Helpers


Thank you to those who have volunteered to be student helpers during the day retreat!  The TOTUS TUUS Team and I GREATLY appreciate your help!!  If you haven't yet volunteered to be a student helper but would like to do so, just let me know! 

The day retreat is 9AM- 2:30PM, Monday August 3 - Friday, August 7.  Please try to arrive by 9AM if possible.  If you have a conflict and cannot come at 9AM or stay until 2:30PM each day, that's not a problem, just let me know so I am aware of when you will or will not be there to help.

Thanks and God bless!
Mandy Alcott

TOTUS TUUS Reminder - Pizza Party Kick-off on Sunday, August 2nd at 6:30PM at Sacred Heart School


We are looking forward to an awesome, fun, and faith-filled week with TOTUS TUUS!  The teen retreat will kick-off with a pizza party on Sunday, August 2nd at 6:30PM at Sacred Heart School!

See you there and come hungry - in body AND soul! :-)

P.S.  Please remember to bring your registration materials and at least one non-perishable item for the St. Vincent DePaul food pantry.  If you need registration forms, please let me know and I will e-mail them to you.  Thanks!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

TOTUS TUUS - Time to Register!!


It's time to register for TOTUS TUUS if you haven't done so already!  Call or e-mail me to register your student/s and I will send you the registration forms you need.  See the information below and the attached flyer.

God bless!
Mandy Alcott

(Hosted by Corpus Christi and Sacred Heart of Jesus Parishes)
August 2nd-7th, 2015
at Sacred Heart of Jesus
for Marshfield Area Students Grades 1 - 12
To register or for more information:
Dave and Mandy Alcott @ 715-387-1317;
What is TOTUS TUUS? "Totus Tuus" is a Latin phrase that means "Totally Yours". It was used by Pope Saint John Paul II to express his devotion to Mary, our Blessed Mother, and to us, the faithful people of God. College-aged TOTUS TUUS retreat leaders effectively and positively impact students by bringing the teachings of the Catholic Faith alive in a dynamic way! Because TOTUS TUUS team members are close in age to the students, they are able to build mentor relationships with the youth. The TOTUS TUUS retreat program offers day retreat sessions August 3rd - 7th, 9AM-2:30PM for students in grades 1-6 and evening retreat sessions, August 2nd - 6th, 6:30-8:30PM, for students in grades 7-12. Students are encouraged to invite their friends - students in grades 1-12 are invited to participate in TOTUS TUUS at Sacred Heart of Jesus!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Teen VBS at St. John's - open to all Marshfield students in grades 7-12


Check out another fun faith opportunity with friends in Marshfield!  Let me know if you want to attend - call me at 715-387-1317 or reply to this e-mail.  God bless!