Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Mother's Day Pancake Breakfast Volunteer List/Schedule


Thank you to those of you who have offered to help at the Mother's Day Pancake Breakfast on May 10th and for those of you who have been helping in all the preparations for the breakfast!  For those of you who would like to help but haven't signed up yet, there is still room to help.  We are hoping to have mostly men and student volunteers so that the ladies of our parish families don't need to work on Mother's Day.  But ladies, if it blesses your heart to help and you really want to help, that is OK too. :-)

Please see the volunteer list/schedule below.  Please e-mail back to let us know you received this e-mail and/or if you see a conflict with the time you are scheduled to volunteer.  Also, please note that some shifts (kitchen for example) are all morning, so if you aren't able to attend Mass on Saturday evening, May 9th, it is no problem if you need to sneak out to attend Mass at some point during the breakfast - Mass takes top priority over your volunteer shift.

Also, on the day of the breakfast, some people may be moved around to different work positions if needed.  For those of you who indicated specific time availability, those times will of course be honored.

Thank you and God bless!
Dave and Mandy Alcott

Volunteer Schedule for Mother's Day Pancake Breakfast, May 10th at KC Hall

Kitchen 7AM – 12:30 PM (8 people age 18 and older needed)

Dave Alcott (floater)

Dave Lang

Tim Jicinsky

Ray Walgenbach

Don Pflugradt

Lowell Schultz

Ed Jahnke

Paul Binder

Hugh Macken

Jim Zoellner – if needed

Set-up Dining Room 7AM – 8AM (at least 4 people needed)

Dave Alcott (floater)

Dave Wunrow

Deacon Ray

Deacon Ray's daughter Angie

Trinity Brusky

Hannah Brusky

Emma Alcott

Elliott Alcott

Josh Lang

Jahnke students

Andy Goettl (Confirmation hours)

Andy Goettl's brother

Confirmation students

Tickets at Door

Jer Lang

a KC

Cleaning and Setting Tables (at least 4 people needed) (1 host/hostess to seat people is also needed)

Dave Alcott (floater)

Deacon Ray– until 10AM

Hannah Brusky – until 10AM

Josh Lang

Emma Alcott

Elliott Alcott

Jeremy Binder

Jahnke students

Andy Goettl – until 9:30 (Confirmation hours)

Andy's brother – until 9:30

Confirmation students

Buffet Line (at least 3 people needed)

Josh Lang

Jeremy Binder

Confirmation students

Jim Zoellner – if needed

Raffle Basket Tickets (1 or 2 people needed - at least 1 adult)

Deacon Ray's daughter Angie – until 10 AM

Trinity Brusky– until 10AM

Dave Alcott 10AM - close

Child's Play Area (2 or 3 students age 13 or 14 – if older than 14, Safe Environment Training is needed)

Kaitlyn Konrardy?

Ariel Fernandez (maybe?)

Alison Skrenes (maybe?)

Emma Alcott (helper)?

Confirmation students

Bake Sale Table (1 or 2 people needed - at least 1 adult)

Emma Alcott

Dave Alcott

Confirmation students

Lady Helpers if Needed (or if they just really really really want to help):

Mandy Alcott

Ann Walgenbach

Pattie Pflugradt

Judy Gachnang

Sandy Studinger (to set up??)


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

"What's the Story with You and God?" Friday, April 17th - RSVP Reminder

If you haven't done so already, please register for this inspiring event!

Christopher Ruff, Ann Lankford, and Christopher Carstens of the Diocese of La Crosse will lead a faith-filled Marshfield Deanery event at Sacred Heart Church in Marshfield on April 17th, 6:30-9PM.  Listen to two ordinary Marshfield area Catholics tell their own extraordinary stories with God! Attendees will learn the practical ways of recounting God's story, will reflect upon their own journey of faith, and learn the skills needed to communicate their story with God to others in a compelling way! Whether a catechist, RCIA team member, church employee, volunteer, or simply a layperson in love with the Faith, as baptized Christians, we are all called to evangelize! Come to this inspiring evening retreat and learn how to share your story with God! For more information about this event and to register, contact Mandy Alcott at 715-387-1317 or .