Wednesday, June 17, 2015

"Home Retreat" Summer Youth Retreat for 7th - 12th Grade Students - Register by July 4th for this Fun and FREE Event!!!

Don't miss this amazing day of kayaking, relaxing, faith, live music, friends, and fun!  And spread the word!

"Home Retreat" Summer Youth Retreat for 7th - 12th Grade Students
The "Home Retreat" is hosted by Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Youth Ministry and is the second of three summer youth events hosted in collaboration with the Marshfield Catholic Deanery Youth Ministers. The "Home Retreat" will be a day to relax, have fun, and discover the richness of God. Enjoy kayaking, live music, games, and relevant messages. The goal of this retreat is to answer the question "Who am I?", and will focus on learning to feel "at home" physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Date/Time: Saturday, July 11th, 10am-8pm
Cost: Free! Space limited to 35 participants - Register by July 4th!!
Food: Meals and snacks provided
Location: The Dolan Home, M216 Marsh Road, Marshfield, WI, 54449

 Please register online at, and click on the "Home Retreat" link under "Featured Upcoming Events".
Please contact Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Youth Minister David Alcott with any questions at or 715-387-1317.

REMINDER - Summer Youth Group FUN - TONIGHT at Our Lady of Peace!!

Don't miss this fun youth event tonight at Our Lady of Peace and remember to mark your calendars for the "Home Retreat" on July 11th including kayaking, live music and relaxation (more info. to come soon!); TOTUS TUUS August 2nd-7th; and the August 19th youth event (more info. to come)!

School is just ending and summer is starting, so let's plan to celebrate our faith this summer by getting together each month with other youth groups in town and show our parents how youth like to play.


You will be talking about this event and telling others about it, so plan your life accordingly


When: Wed June 17th, 

6:30 - 10pm-ish

Where: OLP parish Youth Room & outside sand volleyball courts


Tentative schedule:

6:30 - Volleyball-ish Games

7:30 - Round of  Frisbee Golf (Curtiss style)

8:15 - Faith Nugget and fellowship

8:45 - Movie night in the Youth Room


Drop in when ever you can make it and leave when ever you need to.

As always...BRING A FRIEND from the parish, from school, from another church, from out of town, from outer space...we don't care where they are from, just come.


The Catholic parishes are planning 3 large events like this over the summer.  

This is the first & hosted by Our Lady of Peace

Next is July 11 (hosted by Sacred Heart/Corpus Christi)

and the last is Aug 19 (hosted by St. John's)


For more information contact: 

Paul Curtiss (Our Lady of Peace Youth Minister) 608-209-0804;

Dave Alcott (Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Youth Minister) 715-387-1317;

Dan Kitzhaber (St. John's and Christ the King Youth Minister) 715-384-4989x3; 715-659-4480x4;


Friday, June 5, 2015

Summer Youth Group FUN - Mark Your Calendars for June 17th, July 11th and August 19th and Spread the Word!!

School is just ending and summer is starting, so let's plan to celebrate our faith this summer by getting together each month with other youth groups in town and show our parents how youth like to play.


You will be talking about this event and telling others about it, so plan your life accordingly


When: Wed June 17th, 

6:30 - 10pm-ish

Where: OLP parish Youth Room & outside sand volleyball courts


Tentative schedule:

6:30 - Volleyball-ish Games

7:30 - Round of  Frisbee Golf (Curtiss style)

8:15 - Faith Nugget and fellowship

8:45 - Movie night in the Youth Room


Drop in when ever you can make it and leave when ever you need to.

As always...BRING A FRIEND from the parish, from school, from another church, from out of town, from outer space...we don't care where they are from, just come.


The Catholic parishes are planning 3 large events like this over the summer.  

This is the first & hosted by Our Lady of Peace

Next is July 11 (hosted by Sacred Heart/Corpus Christi)

and the last is Aug 19 (hosted by St. John's)


For more information contact: 

Paul Curtiss (Our Lady of Peace Youth Minister) 608-209-0804;

Dave Alcott (Sacred Heart and Corpus Christi Youth Minister) 715-387-1317;

Dan Kitzhaber (St. John's and Christ the King Youth Minister) 715-384-4989x3; 715-659-4480x4;